Ruslan Premium 750ML

Ruslan Premium 750ML

US$ 16.97

Volume: 750ML

Brand: Ruslan

Category: Vodka / Domestic Vodka

Country: Nepal

Alcohol: 40%

Ruslan Vodka is Nepal’s most celebrated vodka, carrying a legacy of over five decades. With its unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, it has remained a trusted name across generations.

Crafted with an old Russian recipe, triple distilled, and filtered using state-of-the-art technology, it delivers a clean, crisp taste with no after-effects.

More than just a vodka, Ruslan is a legacy—a name that has been passed down through time, celebrated at gatherings, milestones, and everyday moments.

Whether enjoyed neat, in classic long drinks, or in cocktails, its versatility and timeless appeal make it the perfect companion for any occasion.

US$ 16.97