Emperor 24 Carat 750ML

Emperor 24 Carat 750ML

US$ 10.55

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Volume: 750ML

Brand: Emperor

Category: Whisky / Domestic Whisky

Country: Nepal

Alcohol: 34.3%

Emperor 24 Carat is a blended scotch whisky, created from carefully selected golden Scottish grain, blended with 8 year old scotch malt and matured in American oak barrels, giving you an exquisitely rich experience of mature flavor and mellow taste.

In the spirit of a truly world class scotch, Emperor 24 Carat contains more concentration of Scotch Malt than any other product in the country.

Emperor 24 Carat is a groundbreaking blend handcrafted for Nepal by world-renowned Malt Master Mr. David Sloan from Scotland.

US$ 10.55

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